Archives for Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 2016 (4)
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By the Sea, Summertime Fun, and Add Some Texture

By the sea (1 of 12)Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying the last days of summer. August always starts to signal the beginning stages of autumn for me even though I know we have a couple more months to go before the leaves turn, the weather turns, and pumpkins are ready for harvesting! August for me also ushers in counting down the days to our vacation (and our wedding anniversary). This year we will head over the pond to England. While there we usually stop by and spend some time at the sea (usually the North Sea which is a tad bit cold but the fish and chips at the Magpie in Whitby are the bestest and the only ones I will eat). I love sitting by the sea and watching the people and the waves crash along the coast. Since I live where I’m a teensy bit landlocked (okay, a lot landlocked) the sea is an amazing thing to me. There is just something mesmerizing and relaxing about it. […]